Are pleased to offer our customers the new low rate
This rate:
1. For pick up from our Lagos office only.
2. Includes clearing fees.
If you need your packages delivered, Please see our
shipping with delivery fees here =>
The size of your packages may affect
how much you are charged.
Because the volume or weight that can be loaded into an aircraft
is limited, we take in to account the amount of space your
packages occupy on the aircraft.
Chargeable weight:
This is the weight you are charged for. The chargeable weight
of a shipment will either be:
Actual weight (weight displayed on the scale)
Volumetric weight which is calculated from the dimensions
of the package
(L in x W in x H in) / 166 = weight in pounds (lbs)
We charge you whichever is
the highest.
Please note.
All units are Inches and Pounds (lb.)
ALL figures should be rounded up to the next
whole. e.g. 5.2 inches = 6 inches, 40.1lb = 41lb
Chargeable weight: This is the weight you
are charged for. It is whichever is higher between the actual
weight and the volumetric weight.
Actual weight: This is the weight as shown on the
Volumetric weight (Dim Wt):
(Also called volume weight or dimensional weight)
It’s a billing method of charging for air freight shipments
which takes into account the length, width, and height of
a package. As a general practice, the product of length, width,
and height (in inches) of the package is divided by 166 to
get weight in pounds.
Oversize Charge
Oversize surcharges may apply
if any single item:
- Exceeds 120lb (54kg)
- Any dimension exceeds 60 inches.
- Is delivered to us using a liftgate
or forklift
- Is delivered to us on a pallet/skid
and will be shipped as such
- Oversize shipments may be subject
to delays by the airlines